People often worry and stress over when the best time is to get pictures taken. Is it in the fall when all the colors are golden or in the spring when everything is in bloom?
I recently shared a recent experience I had during a Facebook Live video that made me think about this exact topic. If you aren’t on Facebook, or if you missed the video, please watch it here:
Watching this all play out was obviously very emotional for me. It truly made me start thinking of everyone who tells me they want to wait until some moment for their pictures. Either for the perfect scene or until “I lose a few more pounds”. There will always be a reason to wait. What’s that old saying? There’s no time like the present. And this is true.
Another quick story for ya
I was dropping off an order with a client and as she was going through her album she said to me, “Where were these taken?! These are beautiful! It’s not my boring yard.” Obviously she was joking. She knew where they were taken. But it goes to show you that the scene isn’t what is important. Her pictures were full of sweet moments between her family and that’s all she was looking at. Nothing else – not how everyone’s outfits looked, not how she looked, not that everyone was cute for the camera. What she saw was the love between everyone.
So stop waiting!
Quit thinking you have to wait for the perfect scene or the perfect time. Those moments and connections happen in your everyday. I have been working on a 100 Days of Summer project over on Instagram and I’m loving every picture I get of my kiddos. My kids have so much fun having a water gun fight or running through the sprinkler – which I might add is the BEST summer activities – and the pictures I’ve gotten of them doing that have put the biggest smile on my face and filled my mom-heart with so much joy.
Think about it
What is happening right now that you want to remember? Is your sweet girl enjoying the summer in the pool? Is your little guy learning how to ride his bike? Or, after crazy busy weeks, does your family live for the weekend to relax and spend time together. Whatever those things you think of, those are what you should be getting pictures of. Those will be the ones that fill your heart with joy when you look at them.
Shoot me an email and we can discuss the best options for your session!
Here’s some of my favorite summer sessions!